Friday, March 29, 2013

Summer hairstyles for teens

Summer will come sooner than we think,and before you know it, we all will be searching for hairstyles to beat the heat.If the heat is anything like last summer,if my hair was long,there would be no way I would wear it down.It would be just too hot.I have some hairstyle ideas for teens that will help out with the heat.
This hair style is easy to do, and if you can braid, it will be real simple.I am sure that your teen will want to style her hair herself.

Watch my video and learn how to do the Side braided messy ponytail with a bump.

For more how to videos, visit my youtube channel

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Last minute Valentines Day Hairstyle Idea

Are you still deciding on how to style your hair for Valentines Day ? Well, how ever you decide style your hair make sure it's fabulous.Valentines Day comes once a year, so represent it like no other holiday.There's several ways you can style your hair, you can wear an elegant updo,beautiful spiral curls,waves and many other styles.Even If you don't have a date, make a date with yourself even if you just go out to the grocery store.Be seen with your fabulous hairstyle, or make a date with just your girlfriends.If you need an idea try this hairstyle on my video. , or for more ideas go to .Happy valentines Day!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fabulous hair for Valentines Day

Are you going to dinner, a movie, or a Valentines Day party ? Where ever you go, make sure that you have the perfect hairstyle.Valentines Day is a sexy day, so your hair has to fit the part.If your going to go out, and have a candle light dinner, wear a fabulous updo, or if your just going out to a movie, add some loose waves.Even if you just go to the mailbox, If your hair is fabulous,all eyes will be on you ! Don't forget, be fabulous ! If you need help with an idea, go to my website .There is hairstyles for any occasion.Happy Valentines Day !

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Keeping up your new look

If you got a new look for the holidays, maintain it.Be just as excited as you where the first day you got your new look.Rather you changed your color, cut your hair into your favorite style, or just simply added curls to your straight hair, or vs.Don't go back to the boring pony tail, or the same hairstyle you had before. Remember when your hair looks great, you feel great ! Don't let the holidays be the only time your hair is looking fabulous.That's only once a year.If you don't know how to maintain your hairstyle, you can always add loose curls,and that will give you a new look also.If you went to a stylist, pay close attention on how he/she styles your hair, so you can do it yourself.I know some days you just don't feel like doing your hair, and there goes the ponytail, and that's ok, just don't fall back into that mode.Remember, when your hair looks fabulous, you can turn a rainy day into sunshine.Keep up your new look for 2013 ! If you need some easy ideas go to

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Party updo hollywood style

Go out with a bang for 2013 ! Start the year off  right and jazz it up from head to toe. Just make sure your hair is fabulous.That's a must ! You can't have a fabulous outfit on, and your hair in a ponytail.That's just like putting on old worn out shoes with a new outfit. lol.So If your looking for a hairstyle for New Years, or any special occasion. I have a style that you may like. I call this hairstyle, the Hollywood Updo.If you can braid or plait, and roll a french bun, this may be the perfect hairstyle for you. Happy New Year!

                                          Side view
                               Back view  (for more views visit
Section out bangs.Spray hair lightly with water.Section out about 1 inch of hair, starting at the temple all the way to down to the neck line.Make 7 sections for plaits, as shown above.Plait each plait tight.
Place hair clips at the end of plait.Let plaits hang forward out of the way.Now part a section from the left side,starting from the top behind the bangs, all the way back to the neck line. Pin that section out of the way.
Now take the middle section of hair and comb/brush to the left side.Start braiding at the top behind the bangs,all the way down to the neck line, adding each plait in the braid as you go.Pin the end of the braid along the left side of the braid to hide.Now take the section of hair on the left, and tease hair, where the part is all the way down.Take comb, and( comb up towards the braid and tuck to form a roll) Repeat step until your roll is smooth. Pin to hold bun as you go along.Spray hair with spritz or hair spray  to hold.Comb smooth again if needed.
Water bottle
Bobby pins